Hi all! I know I’ve been absent from this blog for quite some time and posting has been very sporadic. It’s a mixture of the lazies, crappy internet, the lack of material, the lazies– you get my drift. I’m really sorry about that, but now I’m back with an update! XD
I got news that Midnight Mercato is now open Wednesday nights, and never having been, we decided to check it out. There’s a big selection of grilled items from pork barbecue, isaw and other innards; as well as grilled fish and chicken. There were also stalls that sold burgers and fries, deep dish pizzas and something with lots of crispy bacon. Other stall had Ilocos empanada, chicharon, kebabs and fried chicken. Siomai, maki and takoyaki are also available. I also remember seeing paella, steaks and pasta being sold at other booths.
For those looking for dessert, there were, I believe 3 stalls that sold cakes and other baked products. There’s also a stall that sold gelato and mochi. There was actually a lot of food there but I can’t remember everything I’ve seen. Continue reading “Midnight Mercato Now Open On Wednesday Nights”